November is coming and the nominees for the top 流行語(ryukougo) 2016 will soon be announced. 流行語are famous words or phrases made famous by TV, ads etc. We are excited to hear this year’s nominees.
Here are a few words that we think might appear on the list:
→センテンススプリング (sentence spring)
This word was first used during a Line exchange between Enon Kawatani, a famous vocalist, guitarist and songwriter (Gesu No Itami Otome and Indigo la End) and the celebrity Becky. The word refers to the magazine Bunshun (文春) that had discovered an affair between the two. (文= sentence; 春=spring)
→パナマ文書(ぶんしょ)(panama documents)
This term refers to a series of secret documents that often appear on the media in relation to tax avoidance.
This catchphrase derives from a popular smartphone game called グランブルーファンタジー.