You can read the whole article here (PDF link).
Genki Japanese Language School has been a member of IALC, the International Association of Language Centres, for the last four years. IALC accredits the top schools worldwide, and is a mark of quality. We feel IALC membership has greatly helped us to improve as a school, by giving us specific quality guidelines to apply, and goals for continuous improvement. It’s also made us part of an international community of schools from whom we can receive all kinds of ideas and support. So it’s great to see mathematical proof that IALC member schools are above average!
The article compared IALC membership to the grades given to schools in the UK by the British Council, an inspection authority, and English UK.
Here are a couple of the important quotes from the article:
half of the top 2 per cent of schools belong to Ialc and member schools are four times more likely to be Centres of Excellence than the average English UK member. Overall Ialc schools achieved 3.6 points of excellence in their reports, over twice the average 1.6 points achieved by UK-accredited schools.
Ialc schools outperformed 80 per cent of language school chains and posted similar results to those of language centres at world-ranking universities.
These are incredible results, and we’re happy to be a part of the IALC family!