
Name: Eyon
Age: 17
Country: America
C: I heard from Evan that you are enrolling in Shobi Music College in Saitama after you graduate high school. Can you tell me more about why you want to go there?
E: To further broaden my knowledge about music.
C: But why Japan?
E: Japan’s music industry is better, because they have a better appreciation for music. Also, the music style is different from that of America’s. It seems to me that they use more creativity over here.
C: You have Japanese ancestry. Did that affect your decision?
E: Yes it does. I first heard Japanese music when I was ten. I used to always sing Japanese songs with my cousin and listen to different bands.
C: What instrument do you play and for how many years?
E: Guitar. For six years.
C: What kind of music will you be focusing on?
E: Mostly rock music. I think that’s the proper field where I can express myself fully.
C: How long is your program and what will you study?
E: I plan on applying for a professional musicianship which takes two years and then in my third year I want to transfer to the music business.
C: Do you need to be fluent to go to the school?
E: Yes, I need to pass JLPT 1 or 2.
C: Who are your idols?
E: Kaoru Nikura from Dir en grey and hide.
C: So you are planning to make it big in Japan?
E: “Making it big” isn’t that important to me, as long as I can keep playing music I’ll be satisfied.
C: Finally, what kind of message do you want to convey through your music?
E: The most important thing about music is making the audience feel the music rather than thinking about what the music is for. It’s important that the audience enjoys what they are listening to.
C: Arigato gozaimashita!
E: Dou itashimashite.