| As much as this country, its amazing culture and wonderful people always warm our hearts, it can still get very cold in winter. That means illness is likely to…
| When learning a new language, there is happily always some vocabulary incorporated that we already know from other languages. Japanese offers a lot of terms that derived from the…
| Whoever studies the Japanese language will eventually come across the complex writing system based on the Chinese characters called Kanji. Memorizing them is probably the hardest part when studying…
| Every language has sayings in which animals play an important role. However, in Japanese, the cat appears particularly often. Here are some “cat-phrases” that will make you smile. (Unless,…
| They do exist in the Japanese language as well: the loved and feared tongue twisters. They help us make a fool of ourselves but that is exactly why it…
| This game is a fun way of memorizing vocabulary. Shiritori means “taking the end”, which is exactly what this fun Japanese word game is about. The players take turns…
| At GenkiJACS, we offer a few different types of dormitories for our students. One of those is the 月宿 (gesshuku), which is like the owner’s house opened up into…
| This year`s winning 流行語 (りゅうこうご) have been announced on December 1st. And 2016’s “word of the year” is … 「神ってる」(かみってる). This phrase is based on the Japanese word 神(かみ)(=god),…
| A language does not only consist of grammar and words. Particularly in social media, an emoticon can say more than 1,000 words. In Japan, young people have gone to…
| In general, dajare could be described as Japanese Puns. However, while English puns are usually created by exchanging a word in sentence with a similar one, dajare benefit from…