| Genki Japanese and Culture School turned 10 years old on the 19th of February, 2015. It’s been a great 10 years – the school has grown exponentially, and with…
| If you study at Genki Japanese school in either Fukuoka or Tokyo long enough, you may start taking a liking to the TV programming here (this is obviously up…
| Alrighty! Here we go, your go-to expression for this week! Did you know Japanese also has wordplay? The Japanese love it and call it 言葉遊び (ことばあそび – “kotoba asobi”).…
| UBER, the car service everyone loves to use, is now available in Fukuoka! For those of our readers who haven’t heard of this fantastic service, UBER is an app…
| We received this lovely calendar from one of our very talented previous students, Chiyoko-san, last week. Thanks so much, Chiyoko-san, this is a very special gift indeed!
| Summer is always the busiest season at Genki Japanese schools in both Tokyo and Fukuoka, but this year it looks like spring will be busy too! We’re experiencing a…
| Another busy week at Genki Japanese and Culture School, and when it gets busy, we get wacky! So let us share some of the wacky Japanese wordplay we know.…
| We have another busy week at Genki Japanese School’s Tokyo and Fukuoka branches! Here are the classes being held this week, and the approximate level of each class. Fukuoka:Low…
| Our specialty at GenkiJACS is very small group Japanese classes, as well as flexible start dates, with students starting each Monday throughout the year. As a result, occasionally students…