| I have been to Japan two years ago.Then I decided to learn Japanese.I have had two weeks of Japanese so far. All teachers are very good and understanding. The…
| This is Aiko with Genki Japanese School. I love to see students spending their time in the Genki Japanese School lounge. Yesterday, some of the students were playing a…
| ….takes a lot of time and energy! Our former student Raico-san, who is from Switzerland, came to GenkiJACS for 6 months in 2010! He fell in love with Fukuoka,…
| The opening of several new discount airlines in Japan this year has brought a massive change to the industry of domestic flights, and a smaller one to international flights.…
| We took Genki Japanese language school students to a Japanese garden and they learned about differences in Japanese gardens and experienced green tea! At this garden, there are many…
| Hello, This is Yuuki, administrator at Genki Japanese School. I’m in charge of updating this blog once a week. Last weekend I went with Mai-san and her family to…
| This week we had a lot of students who had studied Japanese with GenkiJACS before. We are very glad to know that they continue studying Japanese after they went…
| This is Jon-san who studies with us last year and came back to Genki for the second time this year. He started learning from hiragana, which means he didn’t…
| We have an interview today with two current Genki Japanese School students. The interview is in Japanese, so do your best! 私:今日は、まゆみ先生と何を勉強しましたか。インゴ:「~てよかった」と「~てくれてありがとう」。シャルロット:それに「敬語」も勉強しています。私:そうですか。じゃあ、「「~てよかった」を使って文を作ってみて。インゴ:GenkiJACSに来てよかったです。シャルロット:笑。もちろん!! 私は、ここで友達がたくさんできてよかったです。 私:まゆみ先生はどんな先生ですか。シャルロット:とても優しくておもしろい先生です。一緒にたくさん笑いますよ。 私:敬語の勉強はどうですか。インゴ:敬語は難しいけど、とても大切だし、便利だと思います。 「2人だからクラスの中でたくさん話すチャンスがあっていい!」と言っていました。
| We’ll be having lots of blog posts from other staff at Genki Japanese School in the near future. To start it off, here’s one from our office manager, Mai-san:…