| We’re always improving our Japanese Plus Traditional Culture course, to try to introduce students to the best of Japanese culture while they learn Japanese. From this month, we’re adding…
| We’ve always taken shorter holidays than the average Japanese school here at GenkiJACS. But this year we made the decision to shorten our winter holiday a little bit more,…
| We always recommend host families to students who want to make a long-lasting connection in Japan. Our wonderful host family the Yonezawas showed how important that connection can be…
| We’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but the full set of Mangajin Japanese study magazines is available online for free! Mangajin was a magazine that focused…
| A great profile in the New York Times of the charms of Fukuoka City.Glad other people are starting to learn about how wonderful this city is too!Here are a…
| We helped some students get dressed up in traditional Japanese 浴衣 (yukata, summer kimono) to go the fireworks show at 大濠公園 (Oohori Kouen, Ohori Park). Don’t they look great?And…
| One of the great benefits of Genki Japanese School’s location in central Fukuoka is that there are so many restaurants and cafes around. In fact, there are three restaurants…
| Great news! GenkiJACS has been shortlisted as one of the world’s Star Language Schools (not just Japanese language schools) by Study Travel Magazine for the fourth year in a…
| We’ve finally managed to arrange with a new Japanese rental cellphone company to offer very cheap rentals to our students. Normally short-term rentals can work out extremely expensive, in…
| A blog entry from Maiko-sensei about an in-class activity for intermediate students: 中級のクラスで、金子みすゞの「私と小鳥と鈴と」の詩について勉強しました。 この詩の勉強をした次の授業でこの「私と小鳥と鈴と」の詩を 自分たちで作ってもらおうと思っていたところ、学生たちが自ら授業外で協力して作ってきました。 第一連はジェームスさんが「俺」でジーヘーさんと比較、第二連はファーさんが「あたし」となってカトリンさんと比較して、クラスの4人がこの詩に入るようにうまく作っています。 元の詩にはない、「俺」や「あたし」という言葉を使って 彼らなりの特色を出している所が面白いなあと思います。 俺がテニスボールを打っても 俺がテニスボールを打っても敵の方にちっとも行かないがテニスが上手なジーへーは俺のようにバスケットができない あたしがドイツ語を読んでも意味はちっともわからないけどドイツ語がわかるカトリンはあたしのようにきれいな絵は描けないよ ジェームスとジーヘーとカトリンとそれからファーみんなちがってみんないい Didn’t they do well?