| This month (January 2012), Fukuoka moved up one place in the rankings of Japan’s biggest cities, from 7th to 6th place! We knocked Kyoto down one spot. It is…
| We had an amazing Christmas party this year, as every year. This time we rented out a local nightclub, Roots, and invited all the students, staff, host families and…
| As part of the Japanese Plus Traditional Culture course, students learn Japanese pottery techniques. We added a selection of students’ beautiful pottery creations to our gallery here. Didn’t they…
| Sayonara 2011! Here’s hoping 2012 is a better year for Japan… And a huge thank you to everyone who supported Japan and GenkiJACS throughout the year!
| Japan Times has put up an article about the top Japanese slang for the year, with some great examples. Better read it なるはや (naruhaya, as soon as possible)! And…
| We recently put together a short guide on rights in Japan, in case any of our Japanese language school students ever find themselves in a situation where they need…
| Former student Eileen was kind enough to write a detailed review of her time at GenkiJACS. Thank you so much, Eileen-san, and we hope we’ll see you back in…
| People often ask us what the differences are between GenkiJACS and other Japanese schools. There are of course many, including our English support, small-group classes, choice of courses, and…
| Here are some of the pottery which were made during the culture class here in GenkiJACS: Unfortunately the picture is a little too small, so you can’t probably see…