| Former student Eileen was kind enough to write a detailed review of her time at GenkiJACS. Thank you so much, Eileen-san, and we hope we’ll see you back in…
| People often ask us what the differences are between GenkiJACS and other Japanese schools. There are of course many, including our English support, small-group classes, choice of courses, and…
| Here are some of the pottery which were made during the culture class here in GenkiJACS: Unfortunately the picture is a little too small, so you can’t probably see…
| It’s almost Christmas (or not?). So we added some colors to the school lounge. Here are some pictures! Genki-kun looks so happy, don’t you think so? And Tommy-san from…
| As said before, on November 23rd GenkiJACS student went to Kuju and Yufuin area, to walk on the suspended bridge and to see the little termal city. Unfortunately, while…
| Did you ever eat oysters cooked this way? They are absolutely delicious! This kind of cooking is very traditional, and you can taste it in Kafuri, near Fukuoka. To…
| In Japan, November 23rd 2011 is national holiday. It is the Labour thanksgiving day (勤労感謝の日 in Japanese). This holiday is similar to the 1st May holiday in Western country,…
| Dir en grey are among the most popular Japanese bands abroad. Almost each year, they perform in small live houses all around the world, from Europe to North America.This…