| Genki Japanese School has been shortlisted as one of the nominees for best world language school at the 2011 LTM Star Awards! This is the third year in a…
| Look what a student made us! We’re not as up on our Pokemon characters as we should be, but I’m pretty sure that’s Caterpie. And well made too! Looks…
| We reached a pretty cool milestone the other day – fully one-third of our current students have extended their stay after arriving with us! This is a huge testament…
| Summer is here at last! Rainy season officially finished last week, and this weekend was a scorcher!In honor of this wonderful season, here is a picture of Momochi beach,…
| Former student Jordan-san was kind enough to send us some of the websites he uses to learn Japanese, so here they are for you too! sci.lang.japan Frequently Asked QuestionsTae…
| Fukuoka-based game company Althi Inc. released their free iPhone game Ninja Rescue this weekend, and it’s great! They took the suggestions of GenkiJACS playtesters very seriously. And they were…
| After a long long hiatus, we finally put up a new entry on our Japanese language blog. Students made signs to practice using the “te” form. Some great imagination…
| Natsuko-sensei, currently studying in the UK for 3 months, was kind enough to send us a report on what she’s been doing: My life in the UK, by Natsuko…