| For a few months last year, Genki students helped Fukuoka university students to fold origami cranes, as part of an effort to make the world’s longest origami lei. They…
| UNICEF were kind enough to send us a Certificate of Appreciation this week for our donations last year. We’re glad that our efforts at teaching Japanese can also positively…
| There’s been a surfeit, perhaps even a glut of chocolate omiyage (gifts) at GenkiJACS recently, so much so that more than half of the regular staff have abnormally high…
| Did you know that Fukuoka has a weekly “no my-car day”? Every Friday, residents are encouraged to use public transport instead of their own cars. This is part of…
| Two new additions to the GenkiJACS family today.That’s right, it’s Gundam and Shark! Here are closeups: And just so you can tell how big they really are, here they…
| Yesterday (1/10) was 成人の日 (coming of age day) in Japan. Some GenkiJACS students, along with members from Fukuoka Communication Centre, went to a cultural event where they taught sushi-making,…
| Wagashi (和菓子) is a traditional Japanese confectionery which is often served with tea, especially the types made of mochi, azuki bean paste, and fruits. One of our cultural classes recently…
| On the first school day of the year for 2011, GenkiJACS students and staff were treated to a performance to start the New Year. The Japanese stringed musical instrument…
| Ask Metafilter has a great set of recommendations of Japanese learning tools and websites.It’ll take us a while to work through all of these, but we’re sure there are…
| We had a meeting of GenkiJACS Japanese language school teachers last week, to mark the end of the year. Lovely to see everyone together! We went out for dinner…