| Today we had okonomiyaki. It tastes different when you’re learning how to make it as you go along! We were hoping for some leftovers, but it looks like it…
| At a culture lesson we drew the Chinese zodiac animal for next year. Next year is the Year of the Tiger.Students drew tigers on the wood from a 100-year-old…
| We went to see the early-morning practice at the sumo stable Takasago. The impressions afterward were “That was scary…” Everyone was overwhelmed by the sight of the wrestlers practicing…
| We’ve uploaded one video from last week’s Xmas party to Youtube. It’s the teachers and staff performing a student-written play. It’s a long one – 9 minutes in total!…
| The first manga lesson in a while. As expected, the students enjoyed it.Some were concentrating so hard it was like they had forgotten to breathe. [Link to original entry]
| Dango: sweet dumplings. Lots and lots of dango. We made them today. Sweet potato dango are really popular. Overseas they use potatoes for candy, but not sweet potatoes. While…
| Hi everyone! Today is the 6th interview. Q.Your name is? A.Matthew Q.Where are you from? A.Sydney, Australia Q.What do you like about Japan? A.1. I love Japanese 2. Japanese food…
| Hi everyone! Today we’re doing a 5th interview. Q.Your name? A. Philippe Q.Where are you from? A.France Q.What were your reasons for coming to Japan? A.Because I love Japanese! Q.What…
| We just noticed that on the week starting the 21st of December, more than 20% of the students at GenkiJACS will be returning students (that is, students who studied…