| We finally got around to updating our teacher introductions page to reflect some of the new teachers who have been hired recently. Not all new teachers have been added…
| GenkiJACS was recently approved as a recognized school for the German bildungsurlaub, or educational leave program. Qualifying German nationals can now receive 10 days of state-sponsored study leave with…
| One of our staff members also teaches at a local university, and was surprised this week to receive a student’s homework assignment that looked like this: It’s notepaper with…
| We received a letter recently informing us that the only official Western Union agent in Japan, Suruga Bank, is ceasing to handle Western Union money transfers. This means that…
| At long last, a follow-up to our year-old post on strange Japanese customs. To recap, we put a blank sheet of paper on the wall and asked students to…
| The Japan Times reports that London magazine Monocle named Fukuoka as the best city in the world for shopping! Reasons include the compactness of the central shopping district, the…
| In our never-ending quest to improve our students’ Japanese, we’ve linked up with Japan Online School (J-OS), a Japanese school offering webcam lessons over the Internet, to offer a…
| A former student of Genki Japanese Language School wrote the following report after her stay in Japan. Her reflections on her time here may be useful for others thinking…