| A very belated congratulations to former student Peter Gee, who was married to his Japanese fiancee in Fukuoka in December! He gave us permission to post his lovely message…
| Today we find that students have created not one but TWO competing GenkiJACS Facebook groups! Booya! What other language school can say that, eh? (Oh, right, Yamasa has three…)…
| Like all Japanese language schools, summer is our busiest period. Courses are filling up quickly for summer this year – much quicker than last year! – so we recommend…
| In general, Japan is a very safe country. However, it’s still important to use common sense and take safety measures, especially for female students traveling alone. Recently, a GenkiJACS…
| Today we added a few pages about the Japanese school in Spanish, to make it a little easier for Spanish-speakers to find information about study with us. Former student…
| The blog of a student at GenkiJACS from December 2007 to January 2008.http://whiskeymaninjapan.blogspot.com/ Some self-serving excerpts about the school itself: “…we have been doing a lot of out-lessons. this…
| There are some big changes planned for GenkiJACS Japanese language courses in the coming months, but the first step has been put into operation. Effective immediately, our Japanese for…
| もうすぐクリスマス!ということで、続々と以前GenkiJACSで勉強してくれた生徒さん達より、クリスマスカードが届いています。本当に懐かしく、愛しい、素敵な生徒さん達です!!ライアン、マユミ、レベッカ、マルコさんありがとう^^ メリークリスマス! Christmas is coming soon!! We have been receiving Christmas cards from formar students!! Thank you so much,Ryan,Mayumi,Rebecca and Maruko san. Merry Christmas to you too!!
| 先週12/14(金)(アップが遅くなりましたが・・・)、ちょっと早めの“GenkiJACSクリスマスパーティー”を開催しました。50人もの生徒、ホストファミリー、そしてスクールスタッフが集い、楽しいひと時を送りました。来年はもっと多くの方々にお会いできることを祈りながら、みな様にメリークリスマス!! Last Friday, Dec. 14, we had a X’mas party at our school. 50 people( host families, students and school staffs) gathered and enjoyed the party.We hope that next…