| Here are a few web resources related to the school that have surfaced recently: A host family’s photos from hanami party with students Blog in German by recent student,…
| 昨日文化クラスで、櫛田神社、川端商店街、そしてふるさと館へ行ってきました。櫛田神社でお参りしおみくじを引いてきました。さてリーズベスの運勢はどうだったのでしょうか・・・・!?Yesterday, the culture class took the students to Kushida shrine, Kawabata shopping arcade, and Furusato Museum.At the Kushida shrine, they bought a おみくじ (Omikuji, a fortune slip). How was…
| The Japanese language has only 101 different possible sounds in its syllabary, which means there are a lot of words that end up sounding the same! This often confounds…
| Summer is long gone, but we finally got round to updating our teacher information page, taking off the teachers who unfortunately left us, and putting on all the new…
| Here are a few events that might be of interest to people living in Fukuoka, as well as students at Genki Japanese language school: Kyushu Area Traditional Folk Arts…
| We spent an hour or so yesterday using Google Maps to put together a map of places of interest to GenkiJACS students, people studying at other Japanese schools, and…
| Every Monday, GenkiJACS runs tours of the local area, to show new students some of the local places (restaurants, banks, cultural centers, etc.) that might come in handy during…
| A recent student of ours was kind enough to write a review of the school. It is included below, with no modifications or edits. ======================================================= I am very satisfied…
| [Update: As of August 2009, ownership of GenkiJACS has moved to Genki Global, so the school is no longer an NPO. For details, see here.] We are proud to…