| LoveFM, Fukuoka’s international radio station, was kind enough to offer our owner an interview today on the “The Link” section of their Around the Globe show, with Susan Annoura.…
| As promised, here is a longer post on using mnemonics to study Japanese. As we mentioned previously, it’s quite easy to come up with mnemonics for Japanese because the…
| Now for part 2 of the summer GenkiJACS evaluations! If you haven’t read it yet, we recommend you start with part 1, here. 4. Textbook No specific complaint about…
| As another step in our own little freedom of information campaign, we’d like to publish the results of our school evaluations. First, a little explanation: We are always interested…
| We were surprised to see a new Japanese language learning TV program from NHK starting a couple of weeks ago in the Friday 11-11:20am slot formerly occupied by 新日本語で暮らそう…
| You’ll hear nothing but music in Tenjin for 2 days! The biggest music festival in Fukuoka is coming soon… “Music City Tenjin (MCT)” is held on the 14th and…
| We’re a little late to the party, but it seems the New York Times published an article last week about architecture in Fukuoka! While we often bemoan the fact…
| An associate informs us that The Japan Forum is running a competition open to all high school students in the US, offering 8 students the chance to come to…
| Beginner students of Japanese often struggle with the three words used as relative pronouns in Japanese, これ (kore, this), それ (sore, that) and あれ (are, that over there). The…