
We’re happy to announce that we have partnered with Adventure English School, a chain of English conversation schools in Fukuoka. From April, they opened their first Tenjin branch, using our classrooms in afternoons/evenings and on the weekend. We’re excited about this because we have often been asked to open an English school, but we didn’t feel that we could give it our full attention – managing and improving the programs at GenkiJACS takes up all of our free time! Partnering with Adventure English means they will do all of the hard work of managing the school, while our students reap the benefits! The biggest benefit, of course, is that even more Japanese people will be passing through GenkiJACS, increasing the chances for our students to make friends with local people.
Adventure English currently have schools in Munakata and Iizuka, and a branch in San Diego! We’re excited about the benefits for our students of working with them, and hope this’ll mean more and more chances for cross-cultural events.