
Fukuoka City sends out a free newspaper to all residents once a week, with local community information, event info, classified ads, and more. On the front page of every issue is the most recent population figures for the city, and for the central district (Chuuouku), where the school is located.
The most recent issue of the paper had these figures, current as of March 1, 2007:
Fukuoka City
Total population: 1,418,556
Men: 680,944
Women: 737,612
Households: 664,807
Average people per household: 2.13
Central Ward
Total population: 171,154
Men: 76,530
Women: 94,624
Households: 99,163
Average people per household: 1.73
Note the huge difference between numbers of men and women in Central Ward! The chart above shows the proportions, with women in red and men in blue. Even given the fact that women live longer than men, this means there must be a lot of unattached women in the city. Recent research showed that while in 1950, only 18% of women aged 25-29 were unmarried, the number of unmarried women 25-29 is now at 60% nationwide!