This game is a fun way of memorizing vocabulary. Shiritori means “taking the end”, which is exactly what this fun Japanese word game is about. The players take turns saying words that start with the last kana character of the previous one. Of course, there are similar games in other languages but the challenge becomes even greater when played with kana instead of letters.
Why don’t you go ahead and try this game with your friends? These are the basic rules:
1.Of course, the word has to start with the previous word’s last syllable.
2.A word can only be used once.
3.If the word ends in ん, the next player loses.
4.If a word’s last kana has a “long sound” (chuon), there are three different possibilities. (ex.: きょうとう):
4.I.Use the chuon as a vowel. (In the example, オcould be used as the beginning of the following word; e.g.オレンジ.)
4.II.Ignore the chuon. (In the example, the next word could begin with ト; e.g. トマト. )
4.III.Let the next word begin with a chuon. (e.g. とうきょう)