They do exist in the Japanese language as well: the loved and feared tongue twisters. They help us make a fool of ourselves but that is exactly why it is fun to try.
Japanese has a grand variety of these 早言葉(はやことば). Some are more difficult than others. Here are some examples. Practice them and impress your Japanese friends.
Japanese has a grand variety of these 早言葉(はやことば). Some are more difficult than others. Here are some examples. Practice them and impress your Japanese friends.
→李も桃も桃のうち。(すもももももももものうち。) ”sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchi” (that’s a record 8 “momo”s in a row!)
It means: Both plums and peaches belong to the peach family.
→隣の客はよく柿食う客だ。(となりのきゃくはよくかきくうきゃくだ。) “tonari no kyaku wa yoku kaki kuu kyaku da”
The customer next to me is a customer who often eats khaki.
→二羽の庭には二羽鶏にワニを食べた。(にわのにわにはにわにわとりにワニをたべた。) “niwa no niwa ni wa niwatori ni wani o tabeta”
In (Mr.) Niwa’s garden, two chickens ate a crocodile.
→赤巻紙、黄巻紙、青巻紙(あかまきがみ、きまきがみ、あおまきがみ) “akamakigami, kimakigami, aomakigaki”
Red scroll, yellow scroll, blue scroll.