Private online lessons booking
Private online lessons booking
Make sure to calculate the time difference with Japan.
Japan does not observe Daylight Saving Time, so if your country does, please note that your lesson time will be 1 hour different in summer and winter.
Japan time |
from 8:00AM |
to 8:00PM |
Based on your current computers clock setting (timezone UTC ) |
from |
to |
Select a different time zone here:
from |
to |
Begin the journey of a lifetime. Speak Japanese, live Japan.
About Us
Accredited and award-winning Japanese school in Tokyo, Kyoto, Okinawa, Fukuoka, and Nagoya. Learn real-world, communicative Japanese in small, intimate classes. Kickstart the journey of a lifetime in Japan, or bring your existing skills to new levels.
Useful Pages
Head Office
Phone: +81 (0)92 472 0123
Email: [email protected]
Tokyo School
Phone: +81 (0)3 6457 3554
Email: [email protected]
Okinawa School
Phone: +81 (0)98-987-7818
Email: [email protected]
Kyoto School
Phone: +81 (0)75-353-0003
Email: [email protected]
I.C. Nagoya
Phone: +81 (0)52-433-3152
Email: [email protected]