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things to do in tokyo

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  • Tokyo
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  • Things to do


Japan’s electronics and nerd heartland is a must-see even if you’re not interested in what they’re selling. Spend an afternoon walking around and you might find yourself coming back the next day. And the next. And the next…

official Japan-Guide info page


Tokyo’s oldest temple, and an incredibly beautiful piece of architecture. The whole area around is quite lively with street stalls, so it’s definitely worth an afternoon.

official website


Tokyo has several world-class nightclubs, including the massive Womb in Shibuya, and the upscale Genius in Ginza. But the biggest, and the granddaddy of them all, is ageHa. It’s a pain to get to, but once you’re there, you’ll have an incredible time!

Oedo Onsen Monogatari

Oedo Onsen Monogatari

Not the cheapest hot spring, but definitely the most fun one! Inside this complex is a traditional festival shopping street with restaurant stalls, games and more. For maximum theme park realism, everyone changes into a yukata first. It’s a lovely atmosphere! And amazingly, the onsen even has outdoor baths, with specially arranged roofs to protect your privacy.

official website
Robot Restaurant

Robot Restaurant

We’ve gone here too many times to remember, and it’s always a great experience. A treat for the senses, it’s a show that is so completely over the top and seemingly out of control that when it’s over, you won’t quite be able to believe your memory of it.

official website
Tokyo Skytree

Tokyo Skytree

Expensive, out-of-the-way, pointless on a cloudy day, and for some reason tickets can’t be bought online in English even after 3 years of operation. But on a good day, the view from the top is quite amazing, and perhaps the only way to really get an idea of the scale of Tokyo. For a free and convenient alternative, ride the elevators to the observation deck of the awesome Metropolitan Government building in West Shinjuku (243 meters high versus 350 m for Sky Tree).

official website
Tokyo National Museum

Tokyo National Museum

If you only visit one museum in Tokyo, this is the one to go for, with an awesome array of national and international artifacts of importance. But don’t forget Tokyo’s other great museums! In particular, we recommend the Ghibli Museum (advance tickets required), the Samurai Museum in Shinjuku, and the Edo Tokyo Museum (both stops on our Japanese Plus Traditional Culture course!).

official website
Meiji Shrine

Meiji Shrine

The huge gardens and massive old-growth trees you’ll walk through on the way to the shrine are awesome enough by themselves, but the shrine itself is also a very beautiful place. And extremely convenient – only two stops from your favorite Japanese language school!

official website

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